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St.George, UT

Yes, residential customers can now take the guesswork out of budgeting for your utility bill. With hot summers and cold winters, sometimes it is hard to predict what your utility bill will be each month. With the Average Monthly Payment Plan, the current bill is figured by taking the current charges plus the prior 11-month actual charges to calculate the new average for that month’s payment, also factoring in approximately 1/12 th of the overage or shortage at that time. Your meter will continue to be read each month.

This plan has two requirements. First, you must have 12 months of history at the current utility location. Second, you must set up auto-pay with either the Electronic Funds Transfer or Credit Card option.

Your average should only fluctuate +/- 5% if there have not been any changes to the household or water leaks or rate changes. The bill will be sent 3 weeks before the due date, so you will know how much will be deducted from your bank account or charged to your credit card each month. If you would like to participate in the City of St. George Average Monthly Payment Plan, please click the following link, https://www.sgcity.org/utility/averagemonthlypaymentprogram/, contact a Customer Service Representative at 435-627-4700 and request an application, or applications are available at our offices located at 175 E. 200 N., St. George, Utah.
